
Showing posts from April, 2019

What is INF Treaty — and why the U.S. wants to withdraw from the historic bilateral pact

What is INF Treaty —  and why the U.S. wants to withdraw from the historic bilateral pact The 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty prohibits the United States & the Soviet Union from deploying land-based missiles on its territory or anywhere in the world with ranges of 500 to 5,500km, either nuclear or conventional. The treaty includes shorter range (500-1,000 Km) , as well as medium-(1,000-3,000 km) , and intermediate-range (3,500-5,500 km) ballistic and cruise missiles. Here we refer to all of these ranges as “ INF-range ". Whereas, the treaty doesn't limit or ban sea & air-launched missiles deployed on ships, submarines, as well as the missiles carried by aircraft. ICBM's are land based, but since their range is in excess of INF range i.e, 5,500km, their deployment on land is allowed. Long range nuke carriers are covered under a separate treaty called START (New STrategic Arms Reduction Treaty) . Under this treaty, the number ...