Is North Korea capable of striking US via Antarctic (South Pole)?
Is North Korea capable of striking US via Antarctic (South Pole)? North Korean nukes aimed at the U.S may fly over Russia The shortest distance between U.S based missiles & the strategic cities of Russia/North korea—and vice versa—is via Canada over the North Pole . Any missile fired by North Korea at the U.S would most likely fly over the North Pole, undoubtedly passing through the Russian airspace. The other route to avoid flying over Russia is via the South Pole (launching the missile down south) as displayed in the image above. During the Cold War, the Soviets employed the same technique, allowing the missiles to fly over south polar areas to reach the U.S as opposed to going over the North Pole, where much of the US’s early warning radar arrays were located. Fractional orbit bombardment system (FOBS) As the Soviets developed ICBM capabilities in the 1950’s & 60’s, the united states constructed a Ballistic Missile Early Warning...